Sunday, May 31, 2009

Gardening - my passion

I live in the tropics and gardening is one of my favourite past times. I have been successful in some really nice plants although there are some disappointments as well. For example I have been very successful in Aroid palm or scientific name Zamioculcas zamiiflora, also known as the money plant by the local chinese community. Unfortunately I have had some real disappointments with it, partly due to the weather and most of all to my itchy hands! Enough said, let's get on with the garden.

So how tropic is my tropical garden. Its in Malaysia where its persistently hot like an oven(especially recently), humid and lots of rain with no apparent season(global warming?). One word to sum it up, sauna! The headache I have most of the time is to water or not to water. Too much will kill 'em and too little will wither them as well.

I have a decent size, rectangle shaped garden, which I have planted many species of tropical plants as well as a surprising little plant that originated from Japan! There are the more exotic plants like the Yucca, Jathropa and Mexico palm and the dime a dozen Spider Lily and Bougainvilea. I have never finished my garden, dang those itchy hands and it seems like the garden is always in a work in progress state. Have to stop this!

Less talk more action. Some photos to start of.

That's the Zamioculcas plant above. The birds and the bees ? Its quite simple actually. Notice the big leave on the soil. Pluck a healthy leave from an existing plant and put it into the soil. After a month or two a small sapling will emerge. The photo above shows the sapling after about 3 weeks since showing itself. And the leave has been in the soil for about 1.5 months.